Golang Vs JavaScript: Which is Better?

Last Update: May 29, 2024
golang vs javascript
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The domain of software development is constantly evolving, with new languages replacing older ones. Due to its compatibility with all browsers and long-standing position as a web development solution, JavaScript has been one of the most popular options for programmers for quite some time. In recent years, however, Go (Golang) has emerged as a formidable competitor, challenging JavaScript’s dominance.

In this article, we will examine the defining characteristics of JavaScript and Go, their respective use cases, and conduct a thorough comparison of the two programming languages. Ultimately, we will determine if Go is surpassing JavaScript or if they are engaged in a close contest.

What Is JavaScript

JavaScript, commonly abbreviated as JS, is a high-level, interpreted programming language primarily designed for web development. Since its introduction in 1995, it has become an essential component of the Internet ecosystem. JavaScript is one of the most extensively used programming languages today, as it is maintained by Ecma International and has a large user base. Its compatibility with all major web browsers has significantly contributed to its popularity.

Why is JavaScript So Popular

  • Browser Compatibility:

    JavaScript’s compatibility with all web browsers enables developers to create interactive and dynamic web pages that work seamlessly across different platforms.

  • Established Solution:

    Due to its long history and widespread adoption, JavaScript has an extensive ecosystem of libraries, frameworks, and tools that facilitate web development.

  • Frontend Dominance:

    JavaScript is the de facto language for frontend development, allowing developers to enhance user interfaces and create engaging web experiences.

  • Versatility:

    JavaScript is not limited to web development; it can be used for server-side programming (Node.js), mobile app development (React Native), and even desktop application development (Electron).

What is Golang

Google launched the open-source programming language Go, also known as Golang, in 2007. Go was introduced to address existing programming languages’ deficiencies while providing simplicity, efficiency, and durability. It has acquired popularity swiftly and is now extensively utilized in a variety of contexts. The level of development maturity, robust community support, and performance optimization of the Go programming language make it an attractive option for developers.

Why is Golang So Powerful

  • Simplicity and Efficiency:

    Go has a simple and concise syntax, making it easy to read and write. It also boasts exceptional runtime performance, making it ideal for building high-performance applications.

  • Concurrency:

    Go natively supports concurrency with goroutines and channels, making it suitable for developing concurrent and scalable applications.

  • Scalability:

    Go’s lightweight goroutines and efficient garbage collection make it a viable choice for building scalable systems capable of handling heavy workloads.

  • Static Typing:

    Go is a statically typed language, providing better compile-time error checking and improved code maintainability.

  • Cross-Platform Support:

    Go supports compilation to multiple platforms, enabling developers to build applications for different operating systems.

What are the Use Cases for JavaScript

  • Web development:

    JavaScript is primarily used for building interactive websites, web applications, and single-page applications.

  • Mobile app development:

    With frameworks like React Native and Ionic, JavaScript enables developers to create cross-platform mobile applications.

  • Server-side programming:

    Node.js allows JavaScript to be used for backend development, handling server-side logic, and data manipulation.

  • Internet of Things (IoT:

    JavaScript frameworks like Johnny-Five make it possible to program and interact with IoT devices using JavaScript.

What are the Use Cases for Golang

  • System programming:

    Go’s low-level capabilities and efficient performance make it suitable for system-level programming tasks.

  • Networking applications:

    Go’s built-in net package and support for concurrent programming make it well-suited for building networking applications and servers.

  • Microservices:

    Go’s simplicity and lightweight nature make it an excellent choice for developing microservices architectures.

  • Cloud-native applications:

    Go’s scalability, efficient memory management, and strong concurrency support make it an ideal language for building cloud-native applications.

Golang Or JavaScript: Which One is Better

1. Speed and Performance

JavaScript is an interpretive programming language, which can result in performance limitations. In recent years, however, browser optimizations and runtime enhancements have substantially increased JavaScript’s performance. Go’s statically compiled nature enables it to attain remarkable performance levels, frequently outperforming interpretive languages such as JavaScript.

2. Libraries and Frameworks

JavaScript’s ecosystem of libraries and frameworks, including React, Angular, and Vue.js, enables rapid development and code reuse. Although Go’s ecosystem is smaller than JavaScript’s, it provides high-quality libraries and frameworks tailored to Go’s capabilities such as Gin, Echo, and Buffalo.

3. Scalability

The single-threaded nature of JavaScript presents challenges for concurrent applications. Node.js, on the other hand, utilizes an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model to manage a large number of concurrent requests. On the contrary, Go’s built-in support for lightweight goroutines and channels facilitates concurrency, making it well-suited for constructing scalable systems.

4. Error Handling

  • JavaScript:

    JavaScript’s error handling relies on try-catch blocks, which can sometimes result in complex and nested code structures.

					try {
  // Code that may throw an error
  throw new Error("Something went wrong");
} catch (error) {
  // Handle the error
  console.log("Error:," error.message);
  • Golang:

    Go adopts a simpler approach to error handling, utilizing multiple return values and the “error” type to ensure explicit error checking and handling.

					func divide(a, b int) (int, error) {
  if b == 0 {
    // Return an error if dividing by zero
    return 0, errors.New("division by zero")
  // Perform the division
  return a / b, nil

func main() {
  result, err := divide(10, 2)
  if err != nil {
    // Handle the error
    fmt.Println("Error:", err)
  // Use the result
  fmt.Println("Result:", result)

5. Salaries and Job Opportunities

Multiple industry reports indicate that both JavaScript and Go developers are in high demand and command competitive salaries. The widespread adoption of JavaScript expands the employment market, whereas the rising prominence of Go indicates a growing demand for competent Go developers.

According to the Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2021, 67.8% of respondents use JavaScript, making it the most popular programming language among professional developers. Go was ranked as the thirteenth most prevalent language in the same survey, with 8.5% of respondents using it.  

According to the Hired State of Software Engineers report for 2020, the average salary for JavaScript developer roles in the United States is $117,177 per year. According to the same report, the average annual salary for Go developer roles in the United States is $132,827.

What are the Differences: Golang Vs JavaScript

LaunchIntroduced in 1995Introduced in 2007
Maintained byEcma International standards organizationOpen-source community
Statistics of UsersWidely used with a large user baseRapidly growing user base
Exclusive FeaturesBrowser compatibility, extensive ecosystem of libraries and frameworksSimplicity, efficiency, concurrency support
Use CasesWeb development, mobile app development, server-side programming, IoTSystem programming, networking applications, microservices, cloud-native applications
Speed and PerformanceImproved performance through browser optimizations and runtime improvementsImpressive performance due to static compilation
Libraries and FrameworksVast ecosystem with libraries like React, Angular, Vue.jsGrowing ecosystem with libraries like Gin, Echo, Buffalo
ScalabilityChallenges with highly concurrent applications but improved with Node.jsLightweight goroutines and channels enable easy concurrency
Error HandlingRelies on try-catch blocks, leading to complex code structuresUtilizes multiple return values and "error" type for explicit error handling
Salaries and Job OpportunitiesHigh demand with competitive salariesGrowing demand for skilled developers

Is Go Overtaking JavaScript

Though Go has acquired a great deal of traction and popularity, it would be imprudent to assert that it has surpassed JavaScript. JavaScript’s dominance in web development and its extensive infrastructure of libraries and frameworks remain significant advantages. Go’s efficacy, simplicity, and applicability for certain use cases have propelled it into the limelight, creating a healthy rivalry between the two languages.

JavaScript and Go are both widely used programming languages with unique strengths and areas of expertise. While JavaScript has an advantage in web development due to its compatibility, established position, and extensive ecosystem, Go’s performance, simplicity, and scalability make it a formidable competitor. As the tech industry evolves, it is essential to recognize the contributions of both languages and the thrilling and uncertain competition between them. Whether Go ultimately surpasses JavaScript or not, the competition benefits developers and promotes innovation in the constantly evolving software development landscape.

Finding Dedicated Go and JavaScript Developers

To harness the full potential of Go and JavaScript for software development, we recommend hiring a competent team of developers or partnering with an outsourcing software development firm. Unsure about the hiring process, we have a comprehensive hiring guide for your need. If you are a pro-JavaScript person and decided to stick with it, here is an exclusive JavaScript developer hiring guide for you.

However, our top recommendation for outsourcing your Go and JavaScript development projects would be Vivasoft. Vivasoft is a leading software development company specializing in Go-based and JavaScript-based software development services. With a team of dedicated and highly skilled developers experienced in both languages, Vivasoft offers tailored solutions to meet your project requirements and business goals. Their commitment to effective communication, efficiency, quality, and post-development support ensures client satisfaction.

Contact us to hire Golang developers or hire JavaScript developers for your project needs.

Final Thoughts

As the development industry continues to evolve, the emergence of new languages and their rivalry propel the field forward. JavaScript and Go are prominent options due to their distinctive features and benefits. As the battle between JavaScript and Go rages on, it is essential to acknowledge their contributions and the ongoing progress they bring to the software development landscape.

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